Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Busy Day

We juggled several activities at our 4-H work meeting today as you can see in the photos.  We finished all the zipper pouches,  some worked on their bird sketches, Autumn gave us a presentation on the benefits of having natural light in photography, we all enjoyed eating popcorn and ending our meeting watching a new "Kid History" on You Tube!  The last one was impromptu, not a planned activity. 

The girls did learn a little about putting in zippers, namely how to use a zipper foot, that you can actually sew over the zipper if you do it very slowly and carefully and avoid the tab and the end piece, that topstitching on a pouch zipper holds the fabric back so it won't get caught in the zipper, and makes it look nicer, and that sewing in a zipper is a skill worth having.  It does take practice, though, so I hope they will do more of it in their sewing projects.

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